TheDistinguishedEnglishBulldog’s Blog

June 27, 2009

Happy belated Fathers’ Day!

Filed under: Days in the life — by thedistinguishedenglishbulldog @ 9:09 pm
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The humans were in Charleston on Fathers’ Day, so they celebrated a week late with a get together at the house. Here’s me trying to will my dad to give me some BBQ – it smelled so good!

You want the bullie some BBQ... give it to the bullie

You want to give the bullie some BBQ... give it to the bullie

When that didn’t work, I changed tactics:

Perhaps my adorable face will convince them...

Perhaps my adorable face will convince them...

I did end up getting some and I think BBQ is one of my new fave foods. Along with turkey dogs, peanut butter, cookies, nuts, Cheez-Its, and well, I guess I have more than one fave. But it’s on the list.

And of course, the humans couldn’t go too long without causing me some undue embarrassment. I saw the dreaded thing and retreated to my cage (aka my safe place)

Can you see the fear on my face? But alas, it was to no avail, as I ended with this on my head…

I’ll admit – I was feeling quite camera shy. That sombrero was HUGE and there was an audience. I’m sure mom would have locked us in the office (her usual M.O. when it comes to “picture time”…) but she was laughing too hard, saying I look like Juan Valdez the coffee guy. Har, har, har. Not. Funny. She also had a change of costume coming that she got more than a few fabulous shots of me in (note the sarcasm). That’s enough exploitation and embarrassment for one day, so you’ll have to stay tuned for the rest. I’ll leave you with one word, though – aloha. I’m cringing already…


The Distinguished English Bulldog

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